Early bird tickets are available for BSidesBUD2018!

We are happy to announce that early bird tickets for BSidesBUD2018 are officially available through the website of Hacktivity. You can buy your tickets with 20% discount until 31st December, 2017. It is a perfect gift for IT security enthusiasts for Christmas! 😉 Click here to get your discount now!

Good news for #Hacktivity2017 attendees! If you have been to this year’s Hacktivity conference, you can buy your BSidesBUD2018 ticket with 50% discount until 31st December, 2017. The only thing you have to do is to sign in with your existing Hacktivity account at hacktivity.com, click on Tickets and get the ticket type you want. (please note, that you will get 50% discount from the normal ticket price, not from the prices of early bird tickets).

The program committee is working hard to choose the best presentations for the next BSidesBUD conference, but there are some topics and names that are already set in stone. As previously, Tobias Schröedel will be there again to bring an entertaining new presentation for you, Sebastian Garcia will talk about detecting encrypted malware, Clyde Meli will show you how to detect e-mail spams using linear generic programming, Julien Thomas will present In-App virtualization to bypass Android security mechanisms of unrooted devices, while Robert Sell will talk about exploits in Wetware. This year there will be also comprehensive workshops, two of them are already official: David Szili and Eva Szilagyi will give an introduction to Bro Network Security Monitor, while Muhammed Bassem will provide an Advanced Web App Penetration Testing Workshop. The final program and schedule of BSidesBUD2018 will be announced in January, stay tuned for that!

BSidesBUD2018 will take place at Lurdy Konferencia- és Rendezvényközpont (1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14.) on 1st March, 2018. We cannot wait to see you there!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

BSidesBUD Crew

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